As a general rule, don't say anything about someone that you wouldn't say to their face.

Try reading back what you've written and consider how it would land with you if someone else wrote it about you.

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Yes, John you are right.

The same meaning can be said in different ways. When you know that someone won't see the words you don't put much effort into making them nice. It becomes tempting to save the effort and just say the content in a blunt and direct way.

But after this happened, I learned that trust can easily be broken, and so you always have to say things in the nicest of ways (as you said, like you would like to hear it from someone).

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Yes, and it's a shame the manager let you down and betrayed your trust.

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Thanks, John!

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I like this check list , I will add it to my toolkit.

Thanks for sharing Basma.

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Glad it resonates, Tinashe!

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